VSAT Establishment in Indian Armed Forces

VSAT – Very small aperture terminal

VSAT is a technology provide for Internet connectivity in extremely remote areas and distant field locations.

  • In next 3-4 month, 1 lakh villages have 5 lakh FTTH (fibre to the home) connection with download speed of 2-10 mbps. This will be very helpful to be productive use of Bharatnet,

Indian Army always facing a problem in the issue of Internet, To improve internet connectivity for soldiers ,in remote locations, the Digital Communications Commission (DCC),take a decision-making authority under the department of telecommunications has approved the use of VSAT.

VSAT is used in military and naval applications & it is two way satellite.
It is used to improve communication in remote locations. It also transmits and receives data for sending and receiving both narrow and broadband data to satellites in real-time.

Anshu Prakash, secretary at the telecom department said that for our soldiers in defence, paramilitary and border roads organisation, who are posted in remote locations and are cut-off from families, DCC approved the use of VSATs. Locating these VSATs at 1409 locations,

In a remote area, there are a limited number of options when it comes to telecommunications and Internet connectivity. In the area of battlefield such as oil and some of the battleground army get in trouble due to weak telecommunication.

satellite communications is the most efficiency thing for most people who live in remote areas use this type of communication known as aVSAT define for Very Small Aperture Terminals. VSAT is designed for makinf communication in remote areas and cost are more effective.

Very Small Aperture Terminal (VSAT) is technology that is commonly used as a private earth station. The earth station transmit the signals from other satellite.VSAT refersto term “very small” which means to the size of the antenna on the VSAT dish.

  • The antenna has a low noise attacher with measuring power upto 4 feet diameter attached to it which receives the satellite signal, and a Block Up-converter (BUC) that transmits the signals for the radio waves. The antenna can be positioned on the ground or it can be mounted on a rooftop.
  • VSAT is used for both as a bussiness purpose as well as for a government purpose.A VSAT connection is established through the use of the antenna system . Your PC or mobile device communicates with the antenna and then the antenna uses the transceiver components to send and receive signals from the satellite.

The DCC also approved optical fibre-based broadband connections in villages under BharatNet provided to at least five institutions under gram panchayat like schools, primary health and wellness centres, anganwadi and Panchayat bhawan, etc.

The DoT has roped in Common Service Centres to handle the FTTH project.


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